Christian Union

The Christian Union exists at St. Hugh’s for two reasons – firstly, to allow Christians in college to enjoy one another’s company and help each other mature in the Christian faith, and secondly, to give those who don’t know what Christianity is all about a chance to find out more. We are non-denominational, and welcome everyone, whether Christian or not.

Our main meetings are on Wednesday evenings. In alternate weeks, we meet in college and with all the other colleges. For the meetings in college, we meet in someone’s room to worship, study the Bible, and pray together. The meetings with all the other colleges take place at a church in the centre of Oxford, and consist of worship, Bible teaching, and time for discussion and prayer.

Once a week, we gather in the Chapel for a half-hour prayer meeting. We usually pray together for our witness as a group and that of the CU across the University, before praying in two’s or three’s for individual needs.

Together with the CU’s in all the other colleges we make up the Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (OICCU).