St Hugh’s Dinner Party Games Society

Co-Presidents: Dyala Kelly, Oscar Turner
Secretary: Miranda Dorkins
Treasurer: Montague Pierce Jones

A short description of the society and its planned activities:

  • Host a monthly dinner party in the theme of the relevant dinner party game. Costumes will be encouraged, and members of all levels of dinner-party game expertise are welcome. Members will be asked to bring a dish for the communal potluck dinner. We will eat, and then the games will begin…

Some of the games proposed are:

  • Murder mystery – where one person will be designated game-master, and the others will be given cards with characters they must adopt, and a crime they have/haven’t committed. The players adopt the mannerisms of their characters, and must do as the game-master tells them, until they figure out who the murderer is.
  • The Hat Game – a version of charades in teams who must draw words out of a hat and try and mime them.
  • Name game – Everyone has a name written on their forehead that they cannot see. They must guess who they are during the dinner party, but may only ask yes or no questions
  • G’day Bruce – a call and response game in which you lose if you fail to respond to the question “G’day Bruce” with the appropriate response.
  • We would play the games, and then clean up.
  • We will accept game proposals from other society members, and try to make sure we are always diversifying and bettering our games repertoire.