Ariana Mehta
Hi I’m Ariana (she/her), a second year E&Mer, and I’ll be the JCR secretary for the next year. My main responsibilities will be sorting out the JCR meetings, travel grants and making sure the President and VP have all the support they need.
If anyone has any questions or queries, just send me a Facebook message or send me an email – I will do my best to help.
Quick introduction to JCR meetings: JCR meetings happen fortnightly four times per term on odd weeks. If you have an idea of a motion that represents the JCR and would be beneficial to its members, then what you need to do is submit it to me and I will include it in the agenda. Any JCR student can submit one! However, if you’re unsure about how to do that, there’s a guide on how to write motions on the JCR website. I make sure we hold inclusive and varied debate, ensuring everyone can be heard. If you’d like to raise anything as to how to do this better, get in touch at any point! If you want any clarifications or help with motions, feel free to shoot me an email too.