Jogging Club

President – John Hible, Vice President – Clara Teahan

St Hugh’s Jogging Club is a relaxed way for runners of all abilities to meet and motivate each other on a weekly jog (Saturdays 10am, from Porter’s Lodge). The hope is to create a welcoming community out of the pre-existing runners at St Hugh’s as well as motivating more people to take on running too. Running as a group has so many benefits and is a great way to meet new people and have a much-needed break from a busy Oxford term. The funds from the society will all go directly to the members, providing free brunches, essential running kit, as well as supporting any charity runs that the members are doing. We would love as many people as we can to come along; if you’re an experienced runner or a complete beginner, we cater to all paces! Please email or message either John Hible (President) or Clara Teahan (Vice President) if you want to get involved!