Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Do you practice a martial art? Or do you want to try one out in an informal setting? If so, you might be interested in the Mixed Martial Arts Society that we’re setting up at St Hugh’s! Come down to the bar and join us for one of our sessions; it’s a very chill setting but enough of us know what we’re doing in our respective martial arts to give you a taste of what they’re like, or to broaden your knowledge base in the martial arts and allow you to try out a type of fighting that is out of your comfort zone.

We’ve got mats and mitts so you don’t need to wear anything other than normal sports gear, and it’s totally free so please come along! And as we’ll do a fair amount of fitness work, if you want a workout in a combat setting you might have fun trying it out. This year, we’ve got as people we’ll learn from – James Fowler, resident ninja and national Judo competitor, Ed Sutcliffe, our in-house Rocky, Godi the porter, who’s a legit boxing coach, and me (I’ve done karate for 10 years, taught for 3 and fight for the Uni so I can show you the basics!).

Our aims are as follows:

  • To create a space where those training in the martial arts can learn from each other and enrich their skills in their own discipline.
  • To create an inviting space where people interested in picking up a martial art can come to try it out.
  • To support the members of the society in their development of their sport, by using money not spent on equipment of instructors to subsidise the cost of their training and competition expenses.

Send me an email (benjamin.gibbons@st-hughs.ox.ac.uk) or message me on Facebook if you’re interested in coming along, or just turn up to a session if you already know the times. See you soon!

MMA and me