St Hugh’s Running Club

Nick Webster / Co-President /

Peter Tompkins / Co-President /

This is a new club founded in the midst of Covid lockdowns where running was one of the only forms of exercise on offer for us. The hope is to create a happy community of runners, to provide certain basic resources (from foods and gels to high vis gear etc.) but, more than that, to get people running together, to make friends, and exercise in a merry, welcoming atmosphere. We recognise that running alone in the cold and dark can not only be an unpleasant experience, but also a threatening one particularly for women – as such, we believe that unifying all runners of all abilities will mean that people can always find running partners/groups to make running in Oxford more enjoyable. On top of this, we hope to support and promote charity runs that our members are participating in both financially and physically. So please do get involved with one of Hugh’s most varied and supportive societies!