WEQ Women’s Representative

Bella Webber and Cara Robinson

(she/her) (she/her)


Hi we’re Bella and Cara and we’ll be your women’s reps for this year! We’re second years studying History (Bella) and Law (Cara).

In this role we hope to represent the interests of women* across college as well as promote events which engage with the community of women* here at Hugh’s and embrace our rich feminist history.

We also want to be there to support the students at Hugh’s through whatever we can, so we aim to add to the wealth of welfare support provided by the JCR.

In addition to this, we will respond to any incidents which are relevant to women* by working with college, and continue to enforce the zero tolerance policy of sexist behaviour here. It is incredibly important to us that all women* feel safe at Hugh’s.

Please don’t hesitate to approach one or both of us about any issues you are facing or even just for a chat!